Flexxicore Chi Machine
Many devices that are meant to be good for us cause stimulatory effects without any real health benefits. In fact, they often stimulate your energy in ways that give you a buzz while, at the same time, covertly damaging your energy. This is as true for those that have been 'scientifically tested' as for any others - it always depends on which tests have been selected to give the wanted results.
The FlexxiCore is one of the relatively few health gadgets that really work - with the caveat that you need to make sure the speed is right for your energy. Fortunately, you can do this with the information provided by Energize Your Life if you decide to try a Flexxicore, (with a 60-day money-back guarantee). Contact Alison at https://www.energizeyourlife.org/contact-us to place your order, including a 5% discount.
We have seen some marketers claim that any chi machine other than the original version is 'fake.' The idea seems to be that a fixed speed of movement is the only correct speed. But in fact, we have seen people with cardiovascular, joint or back issues react poorly to a fixed speed but respond well to a speed suited to their particular condition.
A 'one speed fits all' philosophy does not reflect the considerable, real-world variances in people's needs for different types of exercise, physiotherapy or, for that matter, chi stimulation.
Quite apart from getting the speed right for you, there are also significant differences between chi machines in terms of comfort. We prefer the Flexxicore because it offers maximum comfort as well as optimal performance. If you purchase the FlexxiCore through us as explained above, you can receive the unique details - only available from Energize Your Life! - of how to energy-test the exact speed that works best for you. Just email us with 'SoC Energy Contact Test' in the Subject line, together with your name and order number.
Please note: The '£0.00' box below just means we don't carry third-party stock. The current price is £277.75. However, this is subject to change at any time. Contact Alison at https://www.energizeyourlife.org/contact-us to place your order, including a 5% discount plus instructions on how to determine the best speed for you.

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Flexxicore Chi Machine
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