The Shendo Feng Shui Training
The most powerful feng shui training available just keeps getting more powerful! This is an advanced Energy Awareness training (for graduates of the Living With Energy Awareness training).
Dates for 2023 tbc, Seaford UK
"I was in awe of everything you taught. I'd feel like a fraud if I continued teaching traditional feng shui . . . my feng shui business will never be the same again!"" Johanne Tomasdottir - Iceland's leading feng shui consultant and teacher
To find out more information and to book the training please get in touch with us.
This Environmental Energy Awareness training is a unique opportunity for you to learn original feng shui - the direct perception of how your body, mind and life are constantly being affected, for better or worse - by your environment. It builds on the direct energy awareness skills you learnt in the foundation Living WIth Energy Awareness Training.
Now, a new set of techniques for optimising your living and working environment. Both for correcting problems and enhancing qi flows to support you and your life. The Shendo Feng Shui Training focuses on the essence of feng shui - how you can enter into a profound communion with the energies around you that are influencing every area of your life. So you can see the effects of any changes you make to your environment. No 'rules' to follow blindly without any way to know if they're right for you and your environment or not.
Over one extraordinary weekend, you'll come to see how every state, circumstance or experience in your life is influenced by your environment. And how you can deliberately cultivate your relationship with the hidden world of energy to create extraordinary results in your life. And create a living home,' one where the energy is a true ally in all that you wish to achieve..
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The Shendo Feng Shui Training
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